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How To Care For Your Teeth This Holiday Season

Care Your Teeth This Holiday Season

Posted on 12/14/2018

The holiday season is a great time to get together with family and friends, exchange gifts, and enjoy lots of delicious foods and treats. However, this does not mean we can neglect our teeth during the holidays. West Gate Dental wants to remind you to keep practicing your normal oral hygiene routine throughout the holiday season, especially when you are consuming more sugary foods and desserts. Our dentist and staff have put together an easy to-do list to follow and ensure your teeth stay healthy and cavity free this holiday season.


Brushing & Flossing

Throughout the holiday season, be sure to continue your oral hygiene routine, effectively brushing and flossing. This is especially important after you've eaten cookies, cakes, or candies. Anything that is high in sugar puts your teeth at risk of cavities. If you are eating foods high in sugar, please be diligent to brush twice a day, and floss once a day. If you've had an especially sugary meal, our dentist encourages you to brush immediately after and clean your teeth of any potential risk.

Post-Holiday Cleaning

The best way to double check your teeth and make sure they are cavity free is to come in for a post-holiday, general cleaning with West Gate Dental. We can schedule an appointment now for January after the holidays are over and start your year off right. We will do a routine cleaning and oral exam to confirm your teeth are healthy and there are no potential risks. Call our Lincoln, NE office for your next cleaning!

Drink Water

A great way to help your mouth and teeth stay cavity and bacteria free is by drinking water. Water is a natural way to keep your mouth moist and eliminate some of the sugars caught in between your teeth. Drinking water can be especially helpful after a sugary treat. At West Gate Dental, our dentist highly recommends drinking water over other beverages like soda, juice, or sugared teas. If you continue this practice throughout the holiday season, you will definitely have less cavity risk.

Playing Sports? Protect Your Teeth!

When playing any contact sport, we always recommend wearing a mouthguard, but this is even more important with some winter sports, particularly hockey. If you are not an avid player, but you want to play a pick-up game in the street or at your local park or rink, please wear a mouthguard. You do not want to chip or break your teeth during the holidays, this is a hassle you can avoid.

Schedule Your Next Appointment With Your Lincoln Dentist!

If you have questions or concerns about your teeth this holiday season, please call West Gate Dental, conveniently serving the Lincoln, NE area. We will be more than happy to assist you and make sure your teeth are clean and healthy for the holidays. Follow our easy steps and you will be sure to enjoy your holidays, stress free! Schedule your next appointment or call our Lincoln, NE office directly. We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season!